Thursday 27 February 2020

Most Impactful Ways to Take Care of Your Mental Health

It is important to take care of yourself to get the most from life. Whenever we talk about health, our conversations mainly revolve around physical health, totally overlooking our psychological well-being. Huge strides have been made in destigmatizing mental illness and treating mental illness with therapy, medication, and other supportive services over the last decade. Taking care of your mental health goes beyond seeking professional support and treatment, it also means adopting measures to improve your emotional health on your own. Making these changes will pay off in the long run, and making these simple changes to how you live doesn’t cost a fortune or take up loads of time.

Mental Health Counseling Center

Here are some of the most impactful and least intimidating ways to take care of your mental health and wellness, New York City:

Stay Positive- According to research, how you think about yourself can have a powerful effect on how you feel. Avoid self-criticism, and start to value yourself. Make time for yourself, for your hobbies, and broaden your horizons. Surround yourself with people you are comfortable with since individuals with strong family or social connections are generally healthier than those who lack a support network. There’s nothing like helping someone, volunteer your time and energy to help someone else.

Make A List of Things You Are Grateful For- Gratitude has been linked with improved well-being and mental health. Find something to be grateful for everyday and turn it into a habit to experience long-term benefits.

Live in The Present- You cannot change your past and the future is not in your hands, so be mindful of the present moment which will help you let go of negative or difficult emotions from past experiences that weigh you down. Stop planning too much for the future as you might miss on the great moments that are unveiling right before you. Living in the present will make you happier.

Eat Well- Your brain needs a mix of nutrients to stay healthy and work properly, just like the other organs, so eat a healthy balanced diet that’s good for your physical as well as your mental health. A healthy balanced diet includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, oily fish, dairy products, wholegrain cereals or bread, and plenty of water. Nutrients from these foods can restore structural integrity to the brain cells necessary for cognitive function.

Keep Active- It’s no secret that exercise also keeps the brain and the other vital organs healthy. According to experts, exercise releases chemicals in the brain that make you feel good, and the body releases stress-relieving and mood-boosting endorphins before and after you work out. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise daily to get the most benefit, and try to do it outdoors.

Seek Help- There’s nothing wrong in asking for help. Talk to your loved ones. If things are getting too much for you and you feel you can’t cope, find a counselor to help you deal with your feelings or make a fresh start.

Contact Us: 
Harlem East Life Plan 
Telephone: 212-876-2300

Thursday 13 February 2020

Things You Should Know About Bipolar Disorder Intensive Outpatient Program

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition (mood disorder) that impacts all areas of life, including your energy level, mood, attention and behaviors. Although there is no cure for the disorder, but the symptoms are very treatable. It’s never too late to explore treatment options for the condition but it’s advisable that you seek treatment as soon as you develop this disorder. An individual suffering from bipolar disorder experiences drastic shifts in mood, which is in stark contrast to the usual changes in mood felt by most individuals throughout any given day. Bipolar symptoms can differ significantly between men and women.

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The common signs include:

1. Decreased need for sleep
2. Restlessness and agitation
3. Racing thoughts and accelerated speech
4. Impulsive and risky behavior
5. Withdrawal from family and friends, and lack of interest in activities
6. Hopelessness
7. Change in sleep and appetite
8. Problems with memory, concentration and decision-making (during a manic phase)
9. Preoccupation with death and thoughts of suicide

An individual with bipolar has incredibly low periods, so low that they can barely move.

Common signs of bipolar disorder in men include frequent manic episodes, greater aggression, co-occurring substance abuse problem. The difference in symptoms can lead to some men putting off seeking help. Many men are unwilling to go through with treatment because of the stigma associated with men, and they want to insist nothing is wrong with them. Though this holds true for all mental health disorders. But it is paramount to know when something is off so that you can pursue bipolar treatments at the earliest possible time. Seeking treatment for mental health is nothing to be ashamed of, and numerous treatments are out there for those who want help.

The Harlem East Life Plan Intensive Outpatient Program in New York City provides a complete array of mental health intensive outpatient services to individuals experiencing an acute episode of mental illness. HELP IOP is committed to providing an intensive high level of mental health care.

Bipolar Disorder Treatment Options:

1. Medications- Medication is an important part of treating bipolar disorder with some common categories of bipolar disorder medication being antidepressants, mood stabilizers and antipsychotics.
2. Psychotherapy and psychoeducation
3. Inpatient treatment
4. Dual Diagnosis treatment
5. Intensive Outpatient Program- The Bipolar Disorder Intensive Outpatient Program includes intensive individual therapy, family therapy, meditation, cognitive behavioral therapy, expressive therapies, art therapy, psychiatric medical treatment, nutritional assessment and therapy, outdoor recreational and activity therapy, regular contact with care support staff.

Contact Us:  
Harlem East Life Plan  
Full Address:  
2367-69 Second Avenue New York,  
NY 10035  
Telephone: 212-876-2300

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